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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Road rage in the church parking lot.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed on Sunday. Thirty minutes after Marillion began squawking "Kayleigh" (Why yes, that is an epic 80's song from which my name is derived) I rolled out of bed and turned on my Christian music playlist to accompany my Sunday morning toilette. However, this morning, Phil Wickham and friends were grating on my nerves. I became more agitated, nearly stabbing myself in the eye with my mascara. I'm sure it was an interesting scene, Shane and Shane harmoninzing away while I threw clothes around, all the while telling God how frustrated I was.

I finally made it to church, ate a delicious donut (it's the small things), and sat with Kendall at our usual table in Sunday School. Normally, when someone pipes up during discussion, all the other people nod their heads in agreement, a sort of unspoken amen. Except when I open my mouth. In response to a question about the relationship between knowing God and serving Him without knowing Him (confusing wording, I know) I answered: "I think it's harder to know God than serve Him. I know a lot of the time I don't want to sit down with Him because He tells me "No.". His plans are different than ours much of the time, and we don't want to hear that no. You can "serve" Him and feel all fuzzy, but it's harder to sit down and listen to the resounding no's." *Crickets chirping* My fellow college students looked at me with an awkwardness that was palpable. "Well, He doesn't always tell me no. Just lately it seems like it and I get irritated with Him..." *More crickets* I pretended to be very interested in the tablecloth.

I sent a text message compactly detailing my ire to my dad. He sent me one back that said, "Sounds like Solomon." I wondered why he said this aloud to Kendall who promptly said, "Well it ain't because your wise!"  She said this jokingly, but she was completely right. Turns out I'm more like the Solomon in Ecclesiastes: "Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun." Ecc. 2:11

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