Babushka background

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Take me to the river and let me see again.

I tried to lay down and go to sleep, but I could hear. More specifically, I could hear the RVs out on the Quad practicing. A thousand images rushed to my head, and I knew sleep was a long way off.
I've really wanted to write about everything, this chapter in the Story, but I can't gather my thoughts long enough to sort them out. I have been given many things to treasure and many things that are challenges. I'm finding that there are an abundance of things to be (or not be) resolved. Perhaps resolved is a poor word choice; rather, there are an abundance of things I need to lay before God.
I was reading Philippians and the latter part of 2:12 caught my eye: "...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling." Refinement is constant. As with any relationship, we must constantly examine ourselves. In a relationship with Christ, we must consistently check our own desires and thoughts and submit them to the authority of Christ. We must humbly come to God and allow Him to do verse 13: "For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose." 
Despite the great sadness and longing that has come about, there is a Good Purpose. The Story has an eventual ending, and it is one that puts all happy endings to shame. In the meantime, we must work. We must deny ourselves and come to Him in humility. I also believe it is okay to struggle; after all, you must work out your salvation. 
In spite of this weary world, I urge you to take heart, fellow traveler, for there is a Purpose, and it is Good.

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