Babushka background

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Call me. Beep me. More than whenever you need me, baby.

My new year starts on Move-In Day. My residents move onto the 2nd floor of Briggs, bringing with them a veritable Pandora's box of problems, joys, questions, and growth.
This year, I'm facing Move-In Day armed with an RA's familiar: the pager. The pager in SBK is a lovable dinosaur of a pager. Most of the time, he's content to ride on my hip silently, taking in the sights as I walk the hallways with purpose. However, this little clunker isn't always quiet. At times his small face lights up with a neon blue and he squawks out a sound that raises the hair on the back of your neck.
I was thinking about my loyal little friend when I had a thought: I treat God like a pager. Absurd, you say? I say nay, my friend.

You see, whenever the pager goes off, I start to sweat a little. My quiet duty night all of the sudden has a problem, and it is one that can't be ignored. In my walk with God, too often (i.e. almost all the time) I'm going along, reading my Bible, obeying the Ten Commandments, saying please and thank-you, etc. etc. when all of the sudden a problem arises. My little pager labelled God starts making a racket, and my plans are instantly altered. On the other hand, I page God only when something's amiss. I have a problem and my fingers are mashing the pound button in a heartbeat. I want Him to answer my problem with an answer RIGHT NOW.

This may be a little scandalous to say, but God is the bad RA they warn us about. Instead of answering my page and producing a solution right away, He doesn't call me back. I'm not saying He ignores my page. He's well aware of my problem but, doesn't immediately call me back and say, "Oh Kaleigh! Here is a quick and easy solution to your problem! Just call me anytime you have a problem." God doesn't want me to only call on Him when I have a problem, He wants me to call on Him all the time.

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